The Global Mala Project:
Uniting Yoga, Seva and Collective Consciousness
Mala - a sacred garland, 108 prayer beads , a timeless tool for transformation, a global gathering for unifying consciousness and action through yoga.
Global Mala Project is a seed of a world-wide project into the power of meditation in action.
The purpose of the Global Mala is to unite the global yoga community from every continent, school or approach to form a "mala around the earth" through collective practices based upon the sacred cycle of 108 on Sept. 19th thru 21st, Fall Equinox as the yoga world's offering to further the UN International Peace Day. Each center offers their form of a Yoga Mala according to their yoga tradition and inspiration:
108 Sun Salutations (or variations of 27, 56)
108 rounds of mantra such as the Gayatri or Maha Mrityanjaya
108 rounds of a kriya
108 minutes of meditation, kirtan, movement meditation
Each Global Mala event can be dedicated to practice or to practice and seva - service by integrating local action, and raising funds for the organization of their choice.
Funds raised are sent directly to the organizations with the awareness that $108 - $1008 is not a drop in the bucket when we join forces together to address the most urgent issues of our times.
Lokaha Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu! May all beings experience the blessing of unconditional happiness!
Om Shanti,
Shiva Rea
Catalyst, Global Mala Project
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.